file this under only in new england.
yesterday reached a sunny high of 70 degrees. i love the energy that spring brings in new england - it seemed like people were just pouring out of buildings to get to spend time outside. all the tiny green spaces in the city were filled with people, frisbees and softballs. i did laugh a little to myself to see folks on the same sidewalk in uggs and puffy jackets and flip flops and tank tops.
and of course, today is 50 and gray and rainy. and tomorrow it will be 30 and snowy.
last night in the car tae looked so confused. she exclaimed with confusion - "no mittens! no hat! no jacket!" (she then proceeded to take off her shoes and socks to add to the confusion.)
only in new england. and despite what i might say, i am loving it.
Yes, it must be nice to have real seasons. Everything just blurs together here. But it always cracks me up when people from up North put on shorts the minute it's over 60 degrees. :)
Posted by: Rachel | 2007.03.15 at 11:53 AM
ah, it's the same dillema here in chicago. i would almost be willing to work 6 day weeks in the winter if we could get 3 day weekends in the summer. but since the winter is twice as long as summer, that would probably not be fair...
Posted by: sarah jane rhee | 2007.03.19 at 11:09 AM